132 research outputs found

    Introducción teórica a un léxico-gramática del español

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    The present research analyses the theoretical and methodological basis for the realization of a lexicon-grammar of Spanish language. With a qualitative methodology, the article starts from the Harris’ distributional and transformational principles, whose translatable aspects are illustrated in descriptive applications, also assuming that all the theoretical and methodological aspects refer to the ideas and the project of Maurice Gross from the late sixties to the beginning of 2000. The objective will be to demonstrate that the lexicon-grammar consists of the syntactic analysis of language on a taxonomic basis, considering all the concrete words that play an important role in the construction of speeches and sentences: first, verbs, nouns and adjectives in structures with supporting verbs; also prepositions play an important role

    Mixed up with machine Translation: Multi-word Units Disambiguation Challenge.

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    With the rapid evolution of the Internet, translation has become part of the daily life of ordinary users, not only of professional translators. Machine translation has evolved along with different types of computer-assisted translation tools. Qualitative progress has been made in the field of machine translation, but not all problems have been solved. The current times are auspicious for the development of more sophisticated evaluation tools that measure the performance of specific linguistic phenomena. One problem in particular, namely the poor analysis and translation of multi-word units, is an arena where investment in linguistic knowledge systems with the goal of improving machine translation would be beneficial. This paper addresses the difficulties multi-word units present to machine translation, by comparing translations performed by systems adopting different approaches to machine translation. It proposes a solution for improving the quality of the translation of multi-word units by adopting a methodology that combines Lexicon Grammar resources with OpenLogos lexical resources and semantico-syntactic rules. Finally, it discusses how an ideal machine translation evaluation tool might look to correctly evaluate the performance of machine translation engines with regards to multi-word units and thus to contribute to the improvement of translation quality

    Taking on new challenges in multi-word unit processing for Machine Translation

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    This paper discusses the qualitative comparative evaluation performed on the results of two machine translation systems with different approaches to the processing of multi-word units. It proposes a solution for overcoming the difficulties multi-word units present to machine translation by adopting a methodology that combines the lexicon grammar approach with OpenLogos ontology and semantico-syntactic rules. The paper also discusses the importance of a qualitative evaluation metrics to correctly evaluate the performance of machine translation engines with regards to multi-word units

    It. populaire arrizzare, fr. populaire bander. Une comparaison lexico-grammaticale

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    This article details a lexico-syntactic comparison between the structures of the Italian verb arrizzare and its French equivalent bander. The syntactic analysis of both verbs, that have an equivalent semantic meaning, shows that the Italian verb is intrinsically causative, like the verbs of the table 41 of the Italian lexicon-grammar and table 4 of the French lexicon-grammar, whereas the French verb shows only a hint of causativity, in its present participle form

    Multi-Word Expressions in spoken language: PoliSdict

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    The term multiword expressions (MWEs) is referred-to a group of words with a unitary meaning, not inferred from that of the words that compose it, both in current use and in technical-specialized languages. In this paper, we describe PoliSdict an Italian electronic dictionary composed of multi-word expressions (MWEs) automatically extracted from a multimodal corpus grounded on political speech language, currently being developed at the "Maurice Gross" Laboratory of the Department of Political Sciences, Social and Communication of the University of Salerno, thanks to a loan from the company Network Contacts. We introduce the methodology of creation and the first results of a systematic analysis which considered terminological labels, frequency labels, recurring syntactic patterns, further proposing an associated ontology.Con il termine polirematica si fa generalmente riferimento ad un gruppo di parole con significato unitario, non desumibile da quello delle parole che lo compongono, sia nell’uso corrente sia in linguaggi tecnico-specialistici. In questo contributo viene presentato PoliSdict un dizionario elettronico in lingua italiana composto da espressioni polirematiche occorrenti nel parlato spontaneo estratte a partire da un corpus multimodale di dominio politico in lingua italiana in corso di ampliamento presso il Laboratorio “Maurice Gross” del Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche, Sociali e della Comunicazione dell’Università degli Studi di Salerno, grazie a un finanziamento della società Network Contacts. Viene presentata la metodologia di creazione ed i primi risultati di un'analisi sistematica che ha considerato etichette terminologiche, marche d'uso e pattern ricorrenti, proponendo infine un’ontologia associata

    Proceedings of the Fifth Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics CLiC-it 2018

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    On behalf of the Program Committee, a very warm welcome to the Fifth Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (CLiC-­‐it 2018). This edition of the conference is held in Torino. The conference is locally organised by the University of Torino and hosted into its prestigious main lecture hall “Cavallerizza Reale”. The CLiC-­‐it conference series is an initiative of the Italian Association for Computational Linguistics (AILC) which, after five years of activity, has clearly established itself as the premier national forum for research and development in the fields of Computational Linguistics and Natural Language Processing, where leading researchers and practitioners from academia and industry meet to share their research results, experiences, and challenges

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